četrtek, 31. december 2015

torek, 29. december 2015

The Kiwi Way: McLaren falls

Where the sign tells you to be prepared to run.
And some amazing phone photography from a trip to Ikea. 
Mahna mahna ;)

nedelja, 27. december 2015

torek, 3. november 2015

The Kiwi Way: 3

While NZ walls had some creepy shadows a year ago...
...this day was full of light on a trip to Trieste with a tram!

ponedeljek, 26. oktober 2015

The Kiwi Way: The First Look at NZ

This is the first picture of New Zealand I took.
It was on the way from Auckland to Mount Maunganui.
Today I saw plenty of fog :)

nedelja, 25. oktober 2015

The Kiwi Way: And Still Traveling

Next day - about a minute later :)
Today we had fun. 
A sunny day in Celje & snacks in the car. 
What more could you want :)

sobota, 24. oktober 2015

petek, 23. oktober 2015

sreda, 21. oktober 2015